A Vision

Silkscreen ink on canvas

1250 x 1600 mm


Installation info: Surface very susceptible to marking. Handle only with gloves and take great care not to touch. To dust use compressed air or a new microfibre cloth and press only lightly. A black painting hangs on a wall, typed across its centre are the words ‘A Vision’ also in black; the words are readable through a radiating exterior white glow which gives the impression of the words being made of a masked light. The words are written in American Typewriter typeface, famed for its use in the ‘I ♥ NY’ logo and reminiscent of text works by Joseph Kosuth. This illuminated ‘sign’ designates the act of being able to see and read while simultaneously being something seen and read. ‘A Vision’ is the context and the text. Ultimately the words refer to a category that represents a kind of future, a dream like state in which destiny or a distant reality is imagined. Gavin Turk