Exhibitions2024This Person Does Not Exist

This Person Does Not Exist
19 Jun - 9 Sep 24
“How come the simple premise of the show has proved so rich? Perhaps because, not only is identity the central subject of much recent art, but art often takes place at the boundary between the real and the imagined.
“THISPERSONDOESNOTEXIST proves a stimulating and novel context for just those concerns. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine that the show would have been as thought-provoking had the artists based their works on people who do exist. The AI has done its job! I wonder whether it can take any pleasure in that…”
Paul Carey Kent, London 2024
Ben Ashton | Will Ayres | Helen Beard | Simon Braiden | Rob and Nick Carter | Luke Caulfield | Cyan Dee | Adam Dix | Rayvenn D’Clark | Nina Mae Fowler | Colin Glen | Georgia Kitty Harris | Marcus Harvey | Hayden Kays | Annie Kevans | Natasha Law |Hugh Mendes | Joe Morrow | Geraldine Swayne | Liesel Thomas | Gavin Turk | Nettie Wakefield | James White | Jonathan Yeo