Exhibitions2015Extraordinary: Objects & Actions in Contemporary Art

Extraordinary: Objects & Actions in Contemporary Art
25 Jul 15
The Lowry
This playful exhibition included a series of works with a sense of humour. Art masquerading as everyday objects such as Gavin Turk’s A Rich Tea Biscuit, or a range of different lengths of nails, and a floor display of ascending sized Cactus, both by Martin Creed, challenge notions of art and value.
Artists have been using everyday objects in their work for over 100 years, turning banal objects into works of art either in their original state or in adapted forms. This playful approach to contemporary art can also be extended to the quintessential everyday object: the human body; an object that we all own and can be used to initiate, create and facilitate creative expression. By working with everyday objects and the human body in this way, artists offer viewers accessible and identifiable ways to engage with contemporary practice.
Via a collection of renowned visual artists including Gavin Turk, Bruce Nauman, Karina Smigla-Bobinski and Willi Dorner, the exhibition presented artworks in an engaging and imaginative way, and allowed visitors to interact and contribute to the fabric of the exhibition through selected works.