Artworks2013Ajar (Highbury)

Ajar (Highbury)
Patinated Bronze
As a direct reference to the painting ‘La Victoire’ by Rene Magritte. Ajar is a surreal gateway: a spiritual journey through the imagination, an interactive sculpture that children will enjoy as much as adults. It is a key to the imagination: unlocking ideas of the infinite as mused on by Aldous Huxley quoting Blake.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."
It simultaneously references Duchamp earlier work ‘11 Rue Larrey’ the door that is never open or shut. This sculpture is designed as an inside installation but with two doorways it is never definitively open or closed. Ajar would be placed without walls and permanently open encouraging the choice to go around, or go through.